Living Stream Ministry and the "local churches" (also known
as The Lord's Recovery), both founded by the late Witness
Lee, have been involved for decades in legal and theological
controversies with noted Christian institutions and leaders.
In light of this history of litigation and conflict, we the
undersigned make this public appeal.
Because the following statements by Witness Lee appear to
contradict or compromise essential doctrines of the Christian
faith, we respectfully call on the leadership of Living Stream
Ministry and the "local churches" to disavow and cease to
publish these and similar declarations:
"The Son is called the Father; so the Son must be the
Father. We must realize this fact. There are some who
say that He is called the Father, but He is not really the
Father. But how could He be called the Father and yet
not be the Father?... In the place where no man can
approach Him (I Tim. 6:16), God is the Father. When
He comes forth to manifest Himself, He is the Son. So,
a Son is given, yet His name is called 'The everlasting
Father.' This very Son who has been given to us is the
very Father."
"...the entire Godhead, the Triune God, became flesh."
Witness Lee, God's New Testament Economy
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1986), p. 230
"The traditional explanation of the Trinity is grossly
inadequate and borders on tritheism. When the Spirit
of God is joined with us, God is not left behind, nor
does Christ remain on the throne. This is the impression
Christianity gives. They think of the Father as one
Person, sending the Son, another Person, to accomplish
redemption, after which the Son sends the Spirit, yet
another Person. The Spirit, in traditional thinking, comes
into the believers, while the Father and Son are left on
the throne. When believers pray, they are taught to bow
before the Father and pray in the name of the Son. To
split the Godhead into these separate Persons is not the
revelation of the Bible...."
Witness Lee, Life Messages
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1979), p. 164
and the Lord Jesus who is the Son is also the Eternal Father. Our Lord is the Son, and He is also the
Father. Hallelujah!"
Witness Lee, Concerning the Triune God
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1973), pp. 18-19
"Therefore, it is clear: The Lord Jesus is the Father, the
Son, and the Spirit, and He is the very God. He is also
the Lord. He is the Father, the Son, the Spirit, the Mighty
God, and the Lord."
Witness Lee, The Clear Scriptural Revelation
Concerning the Triune God
"The Father, the Son, and the Spirit are not three
separate persons or three Gods; they are one God, one
reality, one person."
Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1970), p. 48
"Christ is of two natures, the human and the divine,
and we are the same: we are of the human nature, but
covered with the divine. He is the God-man, and we are
the God-men. He is the ark made of wood covered with
gold, and we are the boards made of wood covered with
gold. In number we are different, but in nature we are
exactly the same."
Witness Lee, The All-Inclusive Christ
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 5th ed. 1989), p. 103
"God can say to His believers, 'I am divine and human,'
and His believers can reply, 'Praise You, Lord. You are divine and human, and we are human and divine.'"
Witness Lee, The Triune God to Be Life to the Tripartite Man
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1990), pp. 51-52
"My burden is to show you clearly that God's economy
and plan is to make Himself man and to make us, His
created beings, 'God,' so that He is 'man-ized' and we
are 'God-ized.' In the end, He and we, we and He, all
become God-men.'
Witness Lee, A Deeper Study of the Divine Dispensing
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1990), p. 54
"We the believers are begotten of God. What is
begotten of man is man, and what is begotten of God
must be God. We are born of God; hence, in this sense,
we are God."
Ibid., p. 53
"Because the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all one
with the Body of Christ, we may say that the Triune
God is now the 'four-in-one' God.' These four are the
Father, the Son, the Spirit, and the Body. The Three of
the Divine Trinity cannot be confused or separated, and
the four-in-one also cannot be separated or confused."
Ibid., pp. 203-204
We decry as inconsistent and unjustifiable the attempts by
Living Stream and the "local churches" to gain membership
in associations of evangelical churches and ministries
while continuing to promote Witness Lee's denigrating
characterizations of such churches and ministries as follows:
"The Lord is not building His church in Christendom,
which is composed of the apostate Roman Catholic
Church and the Protestant denominations. This prophecy
is being fulfilled through the Lord's recovery, in which the building of the genuine church is being accomplished."
Witness Lee in The New Testament Recovery Version,
note 184 (Matthew 16:18)
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 99
"The apostate church has deviated from the Lord's word
and become heretical. The reformed church, though
recovered to the Lord's word to some extent, has denied
the Lord's name by denominating herself, taking many
other names, such as Lutherans, Wesleyan, Anglican,
Presbyterian, Baptist, etc. ... To deviate from the Lord's
word is apostasy, and to denominate the church by taking
any name other than the Lord's is spiritual fornication."
Witness Lee in The New Testament Recovery Version,
note 83 (Revelation 3:8)
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 1256
"I am afraid that a number of us are still under the
negative influence of Christendom. We all have to
realize that today the Lord is going on and on to fully
recover us and bring us fully out of Christendom."
Witness Lee, The History of the Church and the Local Churches
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1991), p. 132
"In every denomination, including the Roman Catholic
Church, there are real, saved Christians. They are God's
people belonging to the Lord. But the organization
of the denominations in which they are is not of God.
The denominational organizations have been utilized
by Satan to set up his satanic system to destroy God's
economy of the proper church life."
Witness Lee, "Message Thirty-Four" in The Life-Study of Genesis
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1987), Vol. 1, p. 464
"We do not care for Christianity, we do not care for
Christendom, we do not care for the Roman Catholic
church, and we do not care for all the denominations,
because in the Bible it says that the great Babylon
is fallen. This is a declaration. Christianity is fallen,
Christendom is fallen, Catholicism is fallen, and all the
denominations are fallen. Hallelujah!"
Witness Lee, The Seven Spirits for the Local Churches
(Anaheim: Living Stream Ministry, 1989), p. 97
"To know God is not adequate. To know Christ is also
not adequate. Even to know the church is not adequate.
We must go on to know the churches which are local. If
we are up-to-date in following the Lord, we will realize
that today is the day of the local churches."
Ibid., p. 23
We respectfully call on the leadership of Living Stream Ministry
and the "local churches" to disavow and cease to publish these
and similar declarations.
If the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "local
churches" regard evangelical Christians as fellow believers, we
request that they publicly renounce the use of lawsuits and
the threat of lawsuits against evangelical Christians to answer
criticisms or resolve conflicts. The New Testament strongly
discourages the use of lawsuits to settle disputes among
Christians (see 1 Corinthians 6:1-8).
If the leadership of Living Stream Ministry and the "local
churches" do not regard evangelical Christian churches,
organizations, and ministries as legitimate Christian entities,
we ask that they publicly resign their membership in all
associations of evangelical churches and ministries.
In either case, we respectfully request that the leadership of
Living Stream Ministry and the "local churches" discontinue their practice of using litigation and threatened litigation to answer criticisms or settle disputes with Christian organizations and individuals.
Daniel L. Akin, Ph.D.
President and Professor of Preaching and Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
David L. Allen, Ph.D.
Dean, School of Theology; Professor of Preaching; George W. Truett Chair of Pastoral Ministry; Director, Center of Expository Preaching, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Ronald B. Allen, Th.D.
Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX)
William M. Alnor, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, California State University, East Bay (Hayward, California)
John Babler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Pastoral Counseling, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Mark L. Bailey, Ph.D.
President and Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX)
E. Calvin Beisner, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Historical Theology and Social Ethics, Knox Seminary (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
Deron J. Biles, Ph.D.
Dean of Extension Education Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
D. Jeffrey Bingham, Ph.D.
Department Chair and Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX)
James Bjornstad, Ph.D.
Professor of Philosophy, Cedarville University (Cedarville, OH)
Darrell L. Bock, Ph.D.
Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX)
James A. Borror, Th.D.
Executive Director, Golden Minutes Ministries, Preaching Pastor, El Dorado Park Community Church (Long Beach, CA)
Alan Branch, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO)
Chad Brand, Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary; Associate Dean for Biblical and Theological Studies, Boyce College (Louisville, KY)
Jerry L. Buckner, D.Min.
Adjunct Professor, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; President, Contending for the Faith (Mill Valley, CA)
Theodore J. Cabal, Ph.D.
Professor of Christian Philosophy and Applied Apologetics, The Southern Baptist Seminary (Louisville, KY)
Ergun Caner, Ph.D.
President, Liberty Theological Seminary (Lynchburg, VA)
Paul Carden
Executive Director, The Centers for Apologetics Research (San Juan Capistrano, CA)
Miguel A. Endara, Ph.D.
Professor, Seminario Sudamericano (Quito, Ecuador)
Ronald M. Enroth, Ph.D.
Professor of Sociology, Westmont College (Santa Barbara, CA)
Jorge Erdely, Ph.D.
Professor of Historical Theology, Centro de Estudios Teológicos y Sociológicos (Mexico City, Mexico)
James A. Freerksen, Th.D.
Professor of Biblical Studies, Liberty Theological Seminary (Lynchburg, VA)
George Joseph Gatis, Esq., J.D., Th.D., Ph.D.
Director, Graduate School of Church & State, Whitefield Theological Seminary (Lakeland, FL); Chaplain of the Citadel (Charleston, SC)
Norman L. Geisler, Ph.D.
Dean, Southern Evangelical Seminary (Matthews, NC)
Gretchen W. Goldsmith
President/CEO, Rose Publishing, Inc. (Torrance, CA)
Alan W. Gomes, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Theology, Talbot School of Theology (La Mirada, CA)
George Grant, Ph.D.
Director, King’s Meadow Study Center (Franklin, TN)
M. Fred Haltom, Ph.D.
Chair, Biblical Education Division, Professor of Biblical Languages, Central Bible College (Springfield, MO)
Craig S. Hawkins, M.A.
Adjunct Professor, Trinity Graduate School (Calif. Campus); President of Apologetics Information Ministry (Santa Ana, CA)
Don Hawkins, D.Min.
President, Southeastern Bible College (Birmingham, AL)
William Honsberger, M.A., AbD.
Director, Haven Ministries, (Aurora, CO)
H. Wayne House, Th.D., J.D.
Distinguished Research Professor of Biblical and Theological Studies, Faith Evangelical Seminary (Tacoma, WA)
Thomas A. Howe, Ph.D.
Professor of Bible and Biblical Languages, Director of the D.Min. Program, Southern Evangelical Seminary (Matthews, NC)
Jerry Johnson, M.A.C.S., M. Phil.
Executive Director, The Apologetics Group (Nashville, TN)
Jerry Johnson, Ph.D.
President, Criswell College (Dallas, TX)
Ken Keathley, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
Kevin D. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Gordon R. Lewis, Ph.D.
Senior Professor Emeritus of Christian Philosophy and Theology, Denver Seminary (Littleton, CO)
Kevin Alan Lewis, J.D.
Assistant Professor of Theology and Law, Talbot School of Theology (La Mirada, CA)
Paul R. Martin, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center (Albany, OH)
Tim Martin, M.A.
Adjunct Professor, Moody Bible Institute; Illinois Director, Watchman Fellowship, Inc. (Chicago, IL)
Rev. George A. Mather, M.Div.
Pastor, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (St. George, UT)
Donald G. Matzat, D.D.
Pastor, Zion Lutheran Church (Bridgeville, PA)
Bruce B. Miller, Th.M.
Senior Pastor, McKinney Bible Church (McKinney, TX) and Chairman of the Board, Center for Church-Based Training (Richardson, TX)
Craig Vincent Mitchell, PhD.
Assistant professor of Christian Ethics, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
John Warwick Montgomery, Ph.D., Th.D., LL.D.
Barrister-at-Law, England and Wales; Member of the California, District of Columbia, Virginia, Washington State and U.S. Supreme Court Bars; Inscrit au Barreau de Paris, France; Professor Emeritus of Law and Humanities, University of Bedfordshire, England
Ishwaran B. Mudliar, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
David P. Nelson, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President of Academic Administration, Dean of the Faculty, Professor of Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forest, NC)
Vladyslav Olkhovksy, Ph.D.
Professor, Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine)
Steven M. Ortiz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Archaeology and Biblical Studies, Director of the Charles C. Tandy Archaeology Museum, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Paige Patterson, Ph.D.
President, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Edward H. Pauley, Ph.D.
Vice Provost and Professor of Philosophy, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Eric Pement, M.Div.
founder, Cornerstone Apologetics Research Team
Russell L. Penney, Th.D.
President; Professor of Systematic Theology; Hebron Theological Seminary (Santa Cruz, Bolivia)
Bryce A. Pettit, D.Min.
Retired/Associate Editor, Walter Martin's Cults Reference Bible (Colorado Springs, CO)
Markus Printz, Th.D.
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Theological Institute of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Earl D. Radmacher, Th.D.
President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus, Western Seminary (Portland, OR)
Mark Rathel, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology, Baptist College of Florida
Ron Rhodes, Th.D.
President, Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries (Frisco, TX)
R. Philip Roberts, Ph.D.
President, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO)
Paulo Romeiro, Ph.D.
Professor, Post-graduate Program in Sciences of Religion, Mackenzie Presbyterian University (São Paulo, Brazil)
Alvin J. Schmidt, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Illinois College (Jacksonville, IL); former Professor and Dean of Graduate Studies, Concordia Theological Seminary (Ft. Wayne, IN)
Alan Kent Scholes, Ph.D.
Associate Director, International School Project, Campus Crusade for Christ (Littleton, CO)
Tim M. Sigler, Ph.D. (cand.)
Assistant Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Studies, Moody Bible Institute (Chicago, IL)
Robert B. Stewart, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Philosophy and Theology occupying the Greer-Heard Chair of Faith and Culture, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA)
R. Alan Streett, Ph.D.
Professor of Evangelism and Pastoral Ministry, Criswell College (Dallas, TX)
Helen Terry Sullivan, Ph.D.
Academic Dean, Arlington Baptist College (Arlington, TX)
Kenneth G. Talbot, Ph.D.
President, Whitefield Theological Seminary (Lakeland, FL)
L.L. (Don) Veinot, Jr.
President, Evangelical Ministries to New Religions (EMNR); President, Midwest Christian Outreach, Inc. (Wonder Lake, IL)
James K. Walker, M.A.
Adjunct Professor, Criswell College; President, Watchman Fellowship, Inc. (Arlington, TX)
James R. White, Th.D.
Adjunct Professor, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary; President, Alpha and Omega Ministries (Phoenix, AZ)
Jim Wicker, Ph.D.
Director, Web Based Education and Associate Professor, New Testament, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Rev. Luke P. Wilson, M.T.S.
Executive Director, Institute for Religious Research (Grand Rapids, MI)
B. Paul Wolfe, Ph.D.
Assistant Dean for Biblical Studies and Associate Professor of New Testament, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Malcolm B. Yarnell, III, D.Phil.
Director, Center for Theological Research, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Ft. Worth, TX)
Please Note:
• The signers of this document are representing their own personal position. The views expressed are not necessarily those of their institutions, organizations, or employers.
• Most of the works cited can be viewed online (in their complete context) at
• The quotations in each category are just a few of many problematic theological statements by Lee on these and other subjects.